Bifurcated Rivets
Eclectica for epopts


12 Jun 2009

Heroin, the sedative for coughs..... (It's probably true too)

My mum has got a home medical book from the 19th century. When she was ill over Christmas we decided to look up her symptoms. The book recommended a scruple of hemlock and some Dovers powders (opium basically).


<p>The Heroin trade was institutionalized in the US until the early 20th century. This is how Bayer made significant inroads in the Americas. Most of the easily-grown-at-home remedies were shooed out of the market with Social and legal frameworks, marketed just inside the new milenium at that time with fellow social engineering need Randolph Hearst. Along with Ford, whom crushed the electric, hemp oil technologies to suit their abundant land and business divestments. Hearst had forests and hemp was a great source of paper..Bayer agreed In fact, the on-going abundance of Heroin and opiate derivatives still flow in record amount out of the US held territories at the moment. </p><p>The first Post Taliban assessment was a bumper crop in 2002</p><p> I bet dirty, filthy money that there is a well-documented, credible book on this with an equally credible credentialed author. <br /></p>


come to think of it, I have never heard nor seen Billy Holiday,Sid Viscious, Lenny Bruce or Pete Dougherty cough.......hmmmmm